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Growing up, founder Gabriella Srinivasan was always curious about matrilineal and matriarchal cultures and wondered why these were so underrepresented in the mainstream, especially in the context of historical societal constructs. While she has a strong understanding of, and both respect and appreciation for the evolution of male-centric systems, she has a desire to bring greater awareness to unique indigenous female-centric systems that have been functioning around the world for hundreds of years. As culture is an integral part of a person’s identity, it is important to have exposure to rich diverse heritages in the current age of self-discovery and identity exploration. It is with this objective, that Project Matrilineal was created. Throughout time, indigenous female-centric cultures have received little recognition or representation. These rich, mature, and advanced cultures provide valuable insight into the evolution of the role of women globally. Project Matrilineal is a platform that showcases unique female-centric indigenous cultures from different parts of the world. Our content and lens is intended to be objective and informative, while being respectful of historical male-centric societies and their constructs. Currently, we explore Choctaw, Cherokee and Khasi cultures with the intention of adding more periodically. Viewers can enjoy learning through podcasts, blogs, and showcased resources to gain firsthand insight into these societies. Especially today, when the social, economic, and political roles of women are rapidly evolving, we believe that it is important for people to gain a more informed perspective on the historical functioning of such societies so that they can incorporate this knowledge as they create frameworks for the future.

About Our Logo

Our logo represents the unity and diversity of women across the globe. This logo includes an original drawing by the founder, and was created to highlight the similarities within each distinct indigenous culture. The art was neither edited nor enhanced in order to preserve its authenticity, similar to the cultures highlighted on our website. Project Matrillineal’s vision is to bring together an international community of indigenous matrilineal and matriarchal cultures in one space to preserve and spread their unique attributes and wisdom.

Founder & President

Gabriella Srinivasan is a high school student who is interested in preserving matrilineal cultures and exploring the important role of women in indigenous societies. See her founder’s message here. Her multi-cultural roots and matrilineal heritage has given her a unique perspective on life and the central role of women in society. Gabriella is an avid chef and her recipe book focused on indigenous cooking is available to view and download below.

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Book available Summer 2023
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