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We know that to some of you, the terms, concepts and information presented in this site may be new or somewhat unfamiliar. To others, they may be all too familiar yet there may be a desire to explore them further. Whatever the reason for the interest, we thought that it would be helpful to compile a set of resources covering indigenous matriarchal and matrilineal societies that fulfills the urge to explore these cultures on a deeper level. We hope that these resources pique your interest and answer some of your lingering questions on both the current and historical role of women in the societies.

Matriarchal and Matrilineal Information

Matriarchal Society and the Gift Paradigm

 A comprehensive anthropological introduction to matriarchal societies and the matriarchal model.

What is the Difference Between Matrilineal and Matriarchal 

A quick guide to the difference between a matriarchy and a matriliny, with more information on the matriliny construct.

Matrilineal Descent and Matrilineal Ideology

An overview of the Moso kinship system that examines the changing sociopolitical implications of the term matrilineal to the Moso as well as an in-depth analysis of Moso kinship terminology. A great resource for those who want to dive deeper into the terminology and structure of a matrilineal society.

Family Roles of Choctaws of the Past

A brief history of Choctaw family roles and their evolution in Choctaw society.

The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma

Origins of the Choctaw Nation as well as information on the history of the Choctaw tribe and its communities.

Family Patterns 

An overview of Cherokee family patterns, Cherokee culture and the role of men and women in Cherokee society.

Website of East Khasi Hills District

A concise overview of the culture and heritage of the people of the Khasi Hills, home to the Khasi and Jaintia matrilineal tribes. For a similar overview of southwest Khasi Hills, see website of Southwest Khasi Hills District (

Khasis: India's indigenous matrilineal society

An external journalistic perspective on the current environment of Khasi women and society.

Research Papers

Culture, Capital, and the Political Economy Gender Gap: Evidence from Meghalaya’s Matrilineal Tribes

A study performed on the impact of lineage norms and its role as a key determinant of the political economy gender gap.

Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence from a Matrilineal and Patriarchal Society

An interesting study performed by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Women and Public Policy Program shows that women are less competitive than men in patriarchal societies, but this result reverses in matrilineal societies, where women are more competitive than men.

The Evolution of Female-biased Kinship in Humans and Other Mammals 

An anthropological study that consolidates the efforts toward understanding the evolutionary significance and stability of female-based kinship into one cohesive study.

Indigenous Organizations

National Congress of American Indians
      Tribes Directory:
      Tribal Organizations Directory:

Choctaw Nation:

Cherokee Nation:

Other Organizations


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